I want to take a moment to recognize and thank Marcus Hotaling for his leadership and his service to AUCCCD. I don’t think you can ever truly imagine what it will mean to step into a role like the presidency of this organization until you’re in it - and I know that Marcus wasn’t imagining that he would be called on to extend his term for a third year. I don’t know what thoughts or conversations happened with himself or his family as he made his decision - but from the outside - it looked like when presented with the leadership gap - he, without hesitation, stepped in to fill it for another year, which says a lot about who he is as a person.
There are only a handful of people in this organization who can know what it really means to make that choice - who know what it really means to lead this organization. For as much joy and excitement, collaboration, and possibility it brings, there’s also a cost - to our full time jobs, to our families and relationships - because to take on a role like this other things have to give - at least a little. I have no doubt that Marcus knew that fully when he said yes to running - and Marcus, I’m going to speak for all of the members of AUCCCD to tell you how grateful and thankful we are for your service.
One of the things that I will always remember that Marcus has said to us - multiple times - and I’m glad he kept saying it - is the reminder he’s given us that AUCCCD is the association FOR university and college counseling center directions not OF. That constant reminder is a touchstone for us all - reminding us that the work we do with this great organization is truly for all of us.
I hold that message and carry that with me as I start the adventure of the next two years leading this organization. No words could express our gratitude and appreciation for Marcus’ service and commitment - so let me say thank you - thank you Marcus for all the work you have done for us all. Let the token of our appreciation I had the pleasure to present to you at the conference be a reminder of your service and our gratitude for it.