AUCCCD Award for Excellence in Media

Deadline to Submit: August 23rd, 5:00 PM EST


Call for Nominations

The Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), in order to promote media focused on the work of university and college counseling centers, presents the annual AUCCCD Award for Excellence in Media.

The award will be presented at the 2024 AUCCCD Conference in Phoenix in October. Award recipient(s) will be honored at a business meeting during the conference, recipient(s) will receive a plaque commemorating their achievement, and respective campus(es) will be formally press released about the recipient’s achievement.

Qualifications for the Award:

  • Media must have been published/appeared/exhibited between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
  • Media can take any form, including but not limited to video, audio, photographs, or multi-media productions.
  • Work must have significance to student mental health and student development.
  • Work must have direct application to the professional work of campus counseling centers.
  • Work must be relevant to current trends and issues in the work of campus counseling centers.
  • Work must include consideration of cultural issues relevant to the topic of the work.
  • At least one “author” must be the designated representative of an AUCCCD member institution.

Nomination Process: To nominate a work submit:

  1. A copy of the media work (in a readily accessible format) or via an accessible link to the work
  2. A brief statement by the nominator on the merits of the work, based on the award criteria noted above.

Self-nominations are welcome!


Past Recipients

In recognition of the importance of disseminating information about college mental health issues to the public and our profession, the AUCCCD Communications Committee presents to one or more of its members the annual AUCCCD Media Awards.

2021 Media Award

Speak Fire: Speak Fire is a six week Instagram series hosted by two counselors at the Georgia Southern University Counseling Center. Aimed at addressing the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality, this series is designed to provide a lively discussion to support our Georgia Southern students.
Jodi Caldwell, Jamal Hailey and Raven De La Cruz, Georgia Southern University

2020 Media Award

INSPIRE: International Student Perspectives Inspiring Resiliency
Monica Osburn & North Carolina State Counseling Center Multicultural Committee

2019 Media Award

Dr. Kim Gorman, Western Carolina University
Self Help: Mental Health Skills Videos [Video]

2018 Media Award

Katherine Evans, Seton Hall University - Video:   “What’s Up Doc?:  Panic Attacks”

2017 Media Award

Monica Osburn, North Carolina State University for the Emmy-Award winning "Stop the Stigma" suicide prevention video.

2007 Media Award

Brigham Young University’s student newspaper, “The Daily Universe” dated March 1, 2007. The paper published a series of articles on domestic abuse and violence. Nominated by Ron Chapman, the director of the counseling and Career Center at Brigham Young. Dr. Chapman said, “The Daily Universe” is a student operated and edited publication….I believe that they have done a fine job addressing a difficult topic with candor and humanity.”

2006 Media Award

Counseling Crisis
Inside Higher Education (Available Online)
by Rob Capriccioso

2005 Media Award

Dealing with Students in Crisis: A Systems Approach
Accommodating Students with Learning and Emotional Disabilities by the National Association for College and University Attorneys
Kathy Hollingsworth

2005 Media Award

A Nation of Wimps
Psychology Today
Hara Estroff Marano

2005 Media Award

Notre Dame's college journalism magazine "Scholastic" which dedicated its September 23, 2004 edition to the topic of depression.

2004 Media Award

A Dying Trend
Vanessa Grigoriadis
Struggling to be Skinny

Sarah Schafer

The Mental Health Needs of Today's College Students: Challenges and Recommendations

Martha Anne Kitzrow

2003 Media Award

Ivy League students flock to therapists
Rebecca Dana

Who Was Responsible For Elizabeth Shin?
Deborah Sontag