Criteria for Elements of Enrichment Membership

The Elements of Enrichment Committee seeks to develop and sustain a talented and diverse core membership of 12 individuals from within the organization to act as leaders in developing and presenting on topics at our annual meeting critical to the overall success and well-being of AUCCCD members.

This is achieved by seeking nominations (self and other) from within the organization of individuals who exemplify characteristics as described in the E of E Membership criteria. At each annual mid-year planning meeting, current core members review interest statements and letters of support from all applicants and decide who will be invited to join the core group based on several factors. These include the number of open slots (2 open slots will be filled in 2024), the strength of each candidate as it relates to E of E criteria, and sustaining diversity within the core group in terms of identity diversity, university size and location and professional discipline.

Core group members commit to serve for a three-year term with an option to renew for one additional term of up to three years.

Nominations (self and others) should all be forwarded to us by April 10, 2024.

Questions? Contact co-chairs, Calvin Chin ([email protected]) or Karen Singleton ([email protected]).

E-of-E Membership Interest Statement

Criteria for Elements of Enrichment Membership:

The following criteria for membership allows for a sustainable and engaging process for both the “who” and the “how” of the work of the committee.

Collaborative Spirit

  • Strong interpersonal and group-work skills
  • Able to see and balance varying perspectives
  • Engage with conflict with humility, respect, and kindness

Strategic, Creative Thinking

  • Demonstrate strategic and systems-level thinking
  • Forward thinking about current issues facing the field
  • Creative, imaginative, synergistic, curious

Leadership Skills

  • Dedicated to empowering, inspiring, and motivating others
  • Commitment to mentoring and developing leaders
  • A spirit of service and “giving back” to the field

Commitment to Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Inclusion

  • Awareness, knowledge, and skill address issues of multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion
  • Demonstrated experience advocating social justice and inclusion
  • Humility and curiosity about different perspectives

Strong Organizational Skills & Presentation Skills

  • Strong work ethic
  • Strong organizational and follow-through skills
  • Demonstrated experience collaborating on presentations

Expert/Knowledgeable about Issues Facing Counseling Centers

  • Knowledgeable about the counseling center roles and functions
  • Expertise in college student mental health
  • Familiar with recent relevant data and reports

Strong AUCCCD Affiliation & Active AUCCCD Participation

  • Active participant in AUCCCD (e.g., listserv, leadership positions, Board)
  • AUCCCD Conference participation and presentations
  • Commitment to prioritizing E of E (serve out 3 year term & attend annual E of E mid-year and AUCCCD conferences)

E-of-E History

E-of-E Leadership

General Information

Questions? Contact the AUCCCD Office.