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Members in the News - 9 things college mental health counselors wish parents understood

TODAY Article: 9 things college mental health counselors wish parents understood


Dr. Marcus Hotaling, President of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors, on trends in college mental health

The pandemic has led to increased demand for services at campus counseling centers as well as counseling staff turnover. Dr. Hotaling, the Director of the Eppler-Wolff Counseling Center at Union College and President of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), joins the Quadcast to talk about how counseling centers are evolving, creating communities of care, and what today’s students are experiencing. The AUCCCD is the largest organization of campus mental health leaders in the world.


University of Louisville was named a Diversity Champion by Insight into Diversity Magazine

University of Louisville was named a Diversity Champion by Insight into Diversity Magazine, and they did a feature that included a piece on the Counseling Center (pg 33). This article features current board member, Aesha Uqdah.

A Trauma-Informed Lens for Addressing Race-Based Incidents on Campus

AUCCCD Board members, Warrenetta Crawford Mann, Aesha L. Uqdah and Barry A. Schreier author article, A Trauma-Informed Lens for Addressing Race-Based Incidents on Campus. July 8, 2021

Do Institutions Really Know What Is Going on With Their Students’ Mental Health?

AUCCCD Board Members Kate Wolfe-Lyga and Marcus Hotaling author the article, Do Institutions Really Know What Is Going on With Their Students’ Mental Health? in a joint effort with ACE. June 28, 2021

Higher ED Dive: Is online campus counseling here to stay?

AUCCCD Members, Barry Schreier (University of Iowa) and Terry Mason (Emeritus) are featured in the Inside Higher Ed article, Is online campus counseling here to stay? (June 2021)

Inside Higher Ed: Students Struggle but Don't Seek Colleges' Help

AUCCCD Members, Ben Locke (PSU) and Barry Schreier (University of Iowa) are featured in the Inside Higher Ed article, Students Struggling but don't Seek Colleges Help. (Apr 2021)

Chronicle of Higher Education: Meet Covid-19's Freshman Class (Nov 2020)

Sharon Mitchell was quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education article, Meet Covid-19's Freshman Class.  November 2020

The A&T Register: Counseling Services are still available for Aggies

AUCCCD Member, Dr. Vivian D. Barnette is interviewed in the A&T Register Article, Counseling Services are still available for Aggies. (Oct 2020)

Higher Ed article: The Emotional Toll of Racism (Oct 2020)

Sharon Mitchell was quoted in the Higher Ed article, The Emotional Toll of Racism. October 2020

Higher Ed: Extending the Reach of Mental Health Therapy (Oct 2020)

Sharon Mitchell and Harry Rockland-Miller were quoted in the Higher Ed article, Extending the Reach of Mental Health Therapy. October 2020

Higher ED article, Mental Health Needs Rise with the Pandemic

Emeritus member, Harry Rockland Miller, and member Asia Wong from Loyola New Orleans are quoted in the Higher ED article, Mental Health Needs Rise with the Pandemic. (Sept 2020)

CNN Article: The psycology behind why some college students break Covid-19 rules (Aug 2020)

AUCCCD Board Member Ben Locke is interviewed in CNN article, The psycology behind why some college students break Covid-19 rules. (Aug 2020)

Washington Post: As students head back to college, virtually or in person, counseling centers hope to provide mental health support (Aug 2020)

AUCCCD Members, Micky Sharma, Ben Locke and Barry Schreier quoted in Washington Post article, As students head back to college, virtually or in person, counseling centers hope to provide mental health support. August 2020

Inside Higher Ed: Pandemic Increasing Suicidal Ideation (Aug 2020)

AUCCCD Board Member Kate Wolfe-Lyga and member Andrew Lee quoted in Inside Higher Ed article, Pandemic Increasing Suicidal Ideation. August 2020

The Chronicle: How to Prepare for the Coming Flood of Student Mental-Health Needs (Jul 2020)

AUCCCD President-Elect, David Reetz, co-wrote an article featured in The ChronicleHow to Prepare for the Coming Flood of Student Mental-Health Needs (August 2020)

AAC&U Liberal Education Blog: What Are We Learning About Academic Resilience? (Jul 2020)

AUCCCD Emeritus Member, Abigail Lipson, contributed an article to Liberal Education blog of the AAC&U Association of American Colleges and Universities, What Are We Learning About Academic Resilience? (July 2020)

2020 Innovation Scholar Award Winners (May 2020)

AUCCCD Member, Kim Gorman, director of the Counseling and Psychological Services Center & Kathleen Brennan, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, winners of the Innovation Scholar Award at Western Carolina University. May 2020

AP News: College seniors face job worries, family stress amid virus

AUCCCD Board Member, Barry Schreier is quoted in the AP News article, College seniors face job worries, family stress amid virus. April 2020

Jeffrey Ng contributes to a series of podcasts to support the community

AUCCCD Member, Jeffrey Ng contributes to a series of podcasts to support the community during this period of online and remote instruction. April 2020